solarmovie Google Drive The Outpost [2020] Full Movie

  • Eric Johnson, Paul Tamasy
  • 6349 Votes
  • During the Afghanistan war, several outposts were placed to control the Taliban movement and their supply chain. Camp Keating, situated in a valley surrounded by mountains, was one them. While being shot at by the Talibans was business as usual, they tried to gain respect from local village elders and have them help stop these skirmishes. One day, when 400 Talibans rallied for a surprise attack, it was up to them to leverage the poor defenses and lack of ammo and manpower they had, to ultimately survive and go back to their loved ones
  • Casts - Scott Eastwood
  • Release date - 2020
  • 7,5 / 10 stars

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This looks like the third installment of the 'Payback. Get The Gringo' trilogy. They really spaced them out. When good actors make straight to dvd films. Americans have all this technology but still use binoculars in trenches. Parascopes would be more effective and safer. Low ground camp ha. Isn't that the kid who fell out of a black hawk.

It's a Russian movie. The trailer is watching you. Since Jake Tapper's comprehensive account of the Camp Kamdesh PRT (COP Keating) Army leadership was never held responsible for this breech of its' own strategic protocols and stunning level of hubris and criminal negligence. Nor were they taken to task for the similar disaster at Wanat. Economy Of Force paradymes in Afghanistan got a lot of heros killed so Bush and Cheney could steal a bunch of Iraqi oil. But heros they were and are nonetheless, in Afghanistan AND Iraq. Colonels and Generals who agreed to situate the Provincial Reconstruction Team at the bottom of three intersecting mountains in Nuristan, Afghanistan without adequate means of defense should've been sent to Leavenworth for gross negligence. 1Lt (dec'd)Jonathon Brostrom's father, ret'd Colonel David Brostrom summed it up best when he said about the Army's decision to go to Wanat: No one had the guts to say- don't do this! The US Army clearly often treats those who take the greatest risks and make the most sacrifices as though they're disposable, while the Colonels and Generals who work in the air conditioned comfort of Tactical Operations Centers get political cover and career advancement. Maybe if Afghanistan had it's own vast amounts of petroleum, the soldiers and paratroopers who fought and died at indefensible combat outposts like COP Keating and Wanat would still be alive. Most of these places are named after American heros who perished because reinforcements like air support were spread too thin and too far away.

I'd rather be dry but at least I'm alive LG. Would have never happened if the idiots had not told the village elders they were moving out of the base soon. They planned the attack but it was rushed due to the Americans leaving the base soon. The narrative is well done, even though it mostly centers on espionage and the fathers child being orphaned by the astronaut. very well done alien scenes but there's only about 4-5 of them in the film even though they are long scenes, including ripping peoples heads off and feeding on them. the creature itself is fascinating, and warrants further study. the final scenes are depressing, but redeem itself in the finale. honestly i think this will be a classic for overseas film-making. im looking forward to the creators next directorial debut. solid 8.5/10 a must see.

Mel's drunk AF in most of the scenes. AWESOME movie - I just saw it - hope Russia makes more of these - good movie making. Easily the best Russian movie since Day & Nightwatch (Dnevnoy & Nochnoy Dozor.

I thought it was Sean Connery in the thumbnail thats why I clicked it

I went in with relatively low expectations but this was great. If they had added some Lone Survivor music would have been better perhaps. Cinematography was like Black Hawk Down and acting was top notch. Loved Eastwood's character but even the last scene was a tear jerker. There were a lot of characters, but you still get to hear about their general personal stories. I hear a lot about one shot filmography but this worked awesome how it was used. Big recommend and also loved seeing the younger sons bring out their fathers' acting characteristics like Gibson's as well.

The SCP Foundation wants to know your location. SPUTNIK (2020) f'ul'l M'o'V'iE. ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ✦☞☛. Finally, an illegal alien that doesn't attack only Americans I was beginning to think they were a one trick pony. You would really think that considering a plane can fly by computer, the us would use advanced computers with infrared scanners to sit in sentry like devices scanning the hillside. Alerting to the soldiers when heat signatures of men were picked up. Damn for 500 I can buy the card. Head imaging. That plus a long range camera on a rotating post would save how many lives. No still the us army prefer tired soldiers eyes. Loosing its own men. Doing it the old fashioned bullshit way. I say they should flip the coin. All high rank army to drop into infantry positions and the infantry to the top. Let the officials have first hand experience of the bullshit.

For those interested, there is an EXCELLENT episode of Medal of Honor on Netflix that covers this battle. Well worth the watch for the details and to hear the people themselves tell the story as many were interviewed for it.





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